Please review your order carefully. Once placed it becomes very difficult to modify your order. They are immediately sent to our shipping staff to be processed during normal business hours, after hours, and on weekends. You may attempt to update information by using the contact page.
Canceling an Order
We only allow orders that have not shipped yet to be canceled. To cancel an order please contact us with your full name, order ID, reason for canceling, and the part or parts you want to cancel. A fee will apply to order cancellations, typically these are charges vendors charge us for canceling an order. Payment processing companies take a percentage for processing an order and again for processing a refund, so if you want to cancel there is a fee and that fee is what they take on the transaction and fees for our time to process and do that accounting work, for a minimum of 5% on cancellations.
We believe this is fair since we begin working on your order the moment the Place Order button is clicked. We pay our staff to process orders and allocate inventory for these orders. If you are unsure about an item please contact us or conduct the research you need to be sure it is what you want or need. There is no exception to the 5% fee at minimum on cancellations.
Manufacturers that ship items direct to you have delays between the time the items ship until you are notified it shipped with a tracking number. Please know that these items may have shipped even though you may have not been notified.